Customize K2.Net Service Manager?

  • 19 January 2007
  • 2 replies

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Yes what you are saying is doable with K2MNG API.

2 replies

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Is it possible customize an instance of Service Manager? For example, we would like to give certain people the capability to reassign workflow steps for a subset of process instances. These people do not fill a manager role, so can't use the workspace to view other people's tasks.

However, if we can provide access to Service manager but show only the 'Manage Worklist' capability, then hide the search criteria boxes, and execute a folio search based on custom criteria, doing this all behind the scenes, this would show them the specific process instances for which they are authorized to reassign activities. They would only have to check the proper checkbox and click the redirect button to assign a step to someone else.

And we would like to allow these users to access the Service Manager without having to log into the remote K2Server machine.

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I've been extremely covered up and havent' been back to the forum in a while.

Peter, can you give me some pointers on how to get started doing this? Is there any documentation or example code available anywhere?
