Unable to view any K2 Designer content (i.e. Views/Forms/SmartObjects) in the left navigation frame of K2 Designer.

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Unable to view any K2 Designer content (i.e. Views/Forms/SmartObjects) in the left navigation frame of K2 Designer.


The various security groups have been set up in active directory and these have been assigned to give the required permissions for each user . All of the development team users have this same issue (i.e. can't see any content via the left nav in K2 designer)

The web browser used is IE 11.

We ran the following SQL scripts and then restarted the K@ server and reset IIS to try and address expiry issues - but it didn't have any impact on the problem:

UPDATE [K2].[Identity].[Identity]
set ExpireOn = DATEADD(D, -10, GetDate())
where Resolved = 1 and Type=1

UPDATE [K2].[Identity].[Identity]
set MembersExpireOn = DATEADD(D, -10, GetDate())
where MembersResolved = 1 and Type=1

UPDATE [K2].[Identity].[Identity]
set ContainersExpireOn = DATEADD(D, -10, GetDate())
where ContainersResolved = 1 and Type=1

select NAME, ExpireOn, MembersExpireOn, ContainersExpireOn from [k2].[Identity].[Identity]
where name like '%RES%'

UPDATE [K2].[Identity].[Identity]
set ExpireOn = DATEADD(D, -10, GetDate())
where name like '%RES%' and Resolved = 1

UPDATE [K2].[Identity].[Identity]
set MembersExpireOn = DATEADD(D, -10, GetDate())
where name like '%RES%' and MembersResolved = 1


UPDATE [K2].[Identity].[Identity]
set ContainersExpireOn = DATEADD(D, -10, GetDate())
where name like '%RES%' and ContainersResolved = 1



Unable to view any K2 Designer content (i.e. Views/Forms/SmartObjects) in the left navigation frame of K2 Designer.vvvvvvvvvv

Issue was due to Group Policy settings for IE not allowing various K2 URL's to be included in the Intranet Trusted Sites section


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