We use Nintex online with Sharepoint 2013.I have 2 workflows on a list and the issue is with the second workflow. Its runs based on conditions on the current item values and send a email to requestor. It works fine when I submit it. When anyother rer

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We use Nintex online with Sharepoint 2013.I have 2 workflows on a list and the issue is with the second workflow. Its runs based on conditions on the current item values and send a email to requestor. It works fine when I submit it. When anyother rerquestor does it, the process does not even enter the workflow.
Below is the error from workflow history. It seems it cannot find the instance ID, I can see the list item and the requestor has full control on this item.

https://fake.sharepoint.com/_api/web/lists(guid'2e2dd7cf-86ea-4c35-b707-78bafaf453a4')/Items(88)?%24select=ID%2CID Correlation Id: 93d7c238-66ad-e537-8d16-b526e3b4f510 Instance Id: 63bc3313-478a-4849-a4c6-363d92e2f315

Any suggestions will be really appreciated.

4 replies

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Have you tried wrapping all the steps into an action set that runs as the workflow owner?

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Hi, other users have minimal permissions to start workflows?

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The full error message seems to be related to permissions. The first workflow runs fine, but the second workflow is unable to find the list item .

Retrying last request. Next attempt scheduled in less than one minute. Details of last request: HTTP NotFound to https://abc.sharepoint.com/_api/web/lists(guid'2e2dd7cf-86ea-4c35-b707-78bafaf453a4')/Items(82)?%24select=ID%2CCR_x0020_Status Correlation Id: eb8f651a-7acd-cce1-9856-25dd97d4ba6c Instance Id: 6868cb74-a835-41f1-af2e-2c08e62145f1

Item does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.

I don't have 'Action Set' in Nintex Online. Please advice.


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My apologies, it seems action sets are not available in nintex for Office 365, however you may like to investigate the usage of the "App Step" action (http://help.nintex.com/en-US/O365/Default.htm#O365WorkFlow/Workflow Actions - STD/App Step.htm%3FTocPath%3DNintex%2520Workflow%2520for%2520Office%2520365%7CActions%7C_____5) it grants elevated permissions to contained actions.

I'm still using Nintex 2010 so cant test this idea myself.
