Removing K2 Worklist Items

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I have been trying to remove worklist items. While trying to "action" on each item, it throws error says: An unexpected error occured, please review the following information:

Title: System Exception

Type: Runtime - Perform Action

Description: Process instance is in an error state

Can I remove those items from database since they keep on adding in the worklist? Please help...thanks

5 replies

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The error you are seeing is by design, users cannot action items from a process that is in error state. You need to repair the error first.

Second part, yes, you can delete process instances from Management Console, but your best bet is to address the root of the problem first. The K2 Process Management tool in VS will help you with identifying the issue as well as repairing it. Just ensure that you update your source file as well to avoid the issue creeping back next time you deploy.


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as dc said, you can delete an error instance with a K2 adminsitrator user using the Management Console in the K2 Workspace. Then go to "Workflow Server" node >> "Processes" >> "YourProject" >> "YourProcess" >> "Instances"... then find your error instance, check the box on the left, and then click on the delete button.


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I have worklist items that appear to be orphaned. They do not appear in the error list but still appear in the K2 Worklist web part.

If I choose "Open" from the folio list box I get an error saying the list no longer exists.

Is there a way to remove these worklist items?



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One wat to remove them would be to set up a dummy K2 account and redirect the orphaned Items to it .
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Regarding my last post . Please not this is by no mean best practice . There is obviously a larger problem causing the Items to be orpaned in the first place and might bear further investigation . But to simply get the items off the WorkList the previous suggestion should work for now


