Failed on Start

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I have nintex 2010, and I am trying to add item to list and create workflow through web service but always I got Workflow XXXXXX was canceled by System Account.(Failed on Start)

5 replies

Badge +16

Can you show us some screenshots of your workflow and the error and how your workflow is initiated?  Are other workflows on the platform working?

Badge +2

This is my WF:


and the error is:



and the workflow initiated when I add item to the list, the adding through web service:

string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URL"];
string[] strRequestID = null;
string requestID = string.Empty;

using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPUserToken userToken = web.AllUsers["XXX\XXX"].UserToken;
SPSite s = new SPSite(siteUrl, userToken);
SPWeb w = s.OpenWeb();

SPList lst = w.Lists[ListName];
SPListItem listItem;
listItem = lst.Items.Add();
listItem["EmployeeName"] = objEntity.userName;
listItem["MobileNumber"] = objEntity.mobileNumber;
listItem["ATMOrBranch"] = objEntity.ATMOrBranch;
listItem["ATMType"] = objEntity.ATMType;
listItem["Issue"] = objEntity.Issues;
listItem["SubIssue"] = objEntity.SubIssues;
//listItem["IssuePicture"] = objEntity.issuePicture;
listItem["LongX"] = objEntity.longx;
listItem["LongY"] = objEntity.longy;
listItem["ATMNumber"] = objEntity.ATMNumber;
listItem["Note"] = objEntity.note;
listItem["Branch"] = objEntity.branchListViewID;
requestID = RequestID.GenerateRequestIDATMBranchIssue(ListName, ListsAndWorkflowsInfo.ProcessName.ATMBranchIssues);
listItem["Title"] = requestID;
w.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
w.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
strRequestID = new string[] { requestID, listItem["ID"].ToString() };


Badge +16

try adding a pause at the beginning of your workflow? 

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I am already tried, but unfortunately, I have the same issue

Badge +16

do other workflows on the site work as expected?
