Updating a doc library column base on a change in a list library.

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I have a SP list in SP 2010 which has attachments for each item. I want to store these attachment in a separate document library which I have achieved.

I now need to set up a process where a certain condition (using action wait for item upload) occurs in the SP list that for the relevant attachment  the column "completed" in the doc library is set to yes.

Any ideas? In the SP list I have created a WF to update the item but I keep getting error with no reason.

10 replies

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So do you wish to update a column in SP List once the attachment in the SP list is successfully uploaded to a SP Library?

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Same question happy.png... 

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At a certain point in the process when a column is updated in the SP list, a notification workflow sends an email to the SP document library. The library is set up to only show the attachments.

Then later in the process back in the list library, the attachment of the item is reviewed/edited. When the review/action has completed a field "completed" is set to yes. What I want is the document Libary to also update so I can see the task is completed. i.e. a duplicate of the completed field in the the list library.

I hope this make sense.


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Why don't you use "Copy to SharePoint" action so you copy your SP List Form attachments to an SP Library and at every time you update (Review,edit...) the attachments in the lists, you recall this action to update the attachments in the Library?

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Can you share the details of the error which is encountered on SP List item update?


Requirement: Whenever the review/action is completed a field "Completed" is set to Yes in SP List, and when this field is set a similar field in SP Library also needs to be set.

Solution: Configure a Nintex workflow in the SP List which is triggered when field Completed=Yes to update the similar field in SP Library.

NOTE: Ensure you have a logic to find out the attachment of the SP List in the SP Library



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Thanks, all I will try these

Is there a way to pull the attachment name into a column? I need the attachment name to match the column on the list and doc libraries.

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You need to do this through Workflow

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Please, can you advise how?


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Maintain a Primary Key and Foreign Key references on the SP List and SP Library, in this you will be able to track attachments both ways.


  1. On the SP List create column named ListID with unique values only and store data like <<Title>>_<<ID>> etc. 
  2. On the SP Library create LookUp column named RefListID pointing to above-created column
  3. When an attachment from the SP List is added to SP Library update the above lookup column
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Hi all

Many thanks for your help. I found the issue. There was a double entry in one of the update mutiple items fields.

The workflow now works.

