SmartObject Server Exception

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When I try to open a SmartObject activity and click the ellipse in the context browser I get the following error.

 Method Error

I have checked the console and if gives the same error. The only thing that is different is I recently installed Release 0803 on my client machine.

Any suggestions.

4 replies

Badge +10

just a wild stab in the dark but...


Have you tried to run the "Update Design Templates"  If you right click on the cancas that is one of the options...

Badge +5
Nice stab. I did try that and it didn't work. Just to verify I went ahead and did it again. Still no luck.
Badge +10
swing and a misssss
Badge +9
Try synchronising the smart object associations.  This is available from the canvas toolbar under the 'smartobject associations' menu item (3rd from the right for me, but I have the InfoPath Integration button on the far right which you may not)
