Custom code

  • 7 December 2009
  • 1 reply


I have to create a Travel workflow. The form is designed in InfoPath and the workflow needs to kick of Out of box Approval workflow of Sharepoint. I want to make sure that this can be done using Blackpoint and some guidelines for this would be helpful. I also have two questions:

1. Can we write custom code for workflow? Do we have some project templates that can be used in Visual Studio?

2. Can we integrate with out side applications? For example one of the Activity event would be to write a record in the database, can do achieve this?

1 reply

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1. Short answer: no :(, longer version, and answer for the second question: You could use reference event to call an external method from an assembly or a webservice for example. There is no "code event" or you couldn't edit the K2 blackpoint process in VS, but with reference event there is an option to extend your workflow's capabilities.


