Date column item not required.  What are the constraints of working with Date?  Can date data Type variable be empty/null? ...

Badge +3

I created a site WF to send status reports as an HTML table.   I'm stuck because it seems like the date type variable cannot be null/empty.


My workflow has to loop through the items in the list and right them on the email/table.

- I'm able to query the list and get results

- Everything works well if all the date columns have data in it.

Seems' like I can't use collection operations (get) in an empty column either if the column doesn't have any date.  It works if I have at least one item in the column date has data.

Every effort to work around if date is empty fails with different errors or results.

- Variable with "blank" adds a 1/1/0001 date to the variable - I need this to be blank if there's not date.

- Collection operations with get, or clear in a For Each loop gives me an error: "Data type returned from the collection is incompatible with the variable to store the result in."  

- I tried a Run if, Set a Condition and a state machine if count of items in the column is zero or field is empty

- Also tried to compare if results = 1/1/0001 then set a variable to blank ...


Nothing seems to work on date null/empty/blank.


I'm not able to add a Filter action into the WF, it just doesn't do add.


Has anyone have experienced this issue?  Have a workaround?  Solution?  Suggestion?




p.s. on WF 2013.

3 replies

Badge +11

Hi Monica Pope ,

To set a Date field to blank follow these steps:

1. Use Convert value action.

2. Input = 1/1/0001, store it in varBlankDate of Date and Time type.

Now you can compare this field within your Query action. Hope it helps.

Badge +3

Hi Kapil,

"To set a date field to blank".  Just to clarify, I'm starting with blank value (column is empty).

So, if I use the Convert 1/1/0001 to ... variable and compare that on my query, the WF still errors when I compare it within the For Each.

Can you please expand on your solution? How would I use this in the WF?   Thanks!

Badge +3

Based on Kapil's reply I found a workaround that basically circumvents the date data type.

1) I'm working with 3 text variables

    - Line of text with default value of 1/1/0001 ("StartDate")

    - Line of text with empty default value ("BlankDate")

    - Line of text to store the date as string ("DateAsText")  - result of this variable will be printed on the email report


2) Created a condition to inside the For Each action to compare the item value (date column) with variable with default value of 1/1/0001

3) If yes: Set "DateAsText" as "BlankDate";  if no:  Set "DateAsText" as item value
