Destination queue's name

  • 14 June 2006
  • 6 replies

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I have an activity with only one destination. This destination contains only one destination queue. Is there any possibility to read this destination queue's name in server event of this activity?

I know I can use
but this only works if Create single activity instance for queue is checked. But I would prefer that one activity would be created for all users of this destination queue. But when Create single activity instance for queue is not checked, then I can't use DestQueue.Name.


6 replies

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As far as I know, unfortunately not. By the time the ActivityInstanceDestination object is instantiated we're working on user level - unless, as you said, the 'Create single activity instance for queue' checkbox is selected.

I would be interested to know why you would need the name of the Destination Queue.

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Destination queue's name is my logical group name. I have an activity with 3 destinations. Each destination is one destination queue and each destination queue contains just 1 user. Activity has 3 slots.

When someone work on his worklist item, I need to identify to which queue he belongs. Then I will
- set activity data field to this queue name in server event
- get data from user in client event
- assign data to correct queue, that means i will know, what level does user have in a company hierarchy

E.g. I will have queues:
- Department 030
- Department 310
- Department 320

Every queue has one user, so when activity starts, all three users can go to worklist and work on the work item. After any of them finish his step, I will assign filled data to correct level (= to correct department). Then, I can validate if our business rules are valid. These rules are as follow:

- D030 and D310 or D320 can approve together
- D310 and D320 can't approve together

Then I can validate these rules - if the case is accepted or declined. I need to go on in the process if it can't be accepted at this activity. E.g. if D030 declines, then it must finish and workitems from D310 and D320 lists must disappear, because doesn't matter if the accept or decline, at this level it can't be totally accepted.

It's pretty complicated, our business rules looks very simply at first sight, but then it's pretty complicated. The main complication is, that I need to have the queue name stored not the user name, because when someone will redirect worklist item to some other user (any user anywhere in company hierarchy) I will not know, at which level belongs his approving.
Badge +4
Has a solution to this problem been found? I have the exact same problem. I need to know the name of the destination queue for the participant so we can execute the appropriate business rules. Splitting the activity into multiple activities will create a lot more work, plus I haven't found a way to successfully expire activities for participants who have yet to respond (and their response is no longer needed because of other participant's responses).
Badge +13
GotoActivity will expire the rest of activities.

If SVP redirects to a non-officer, can non-officer approve at the SVP level? If not then you should look for attributes at Active Directory level for the person that is assigned to.
Badge +8
Was this ever made available. I have three destinations for one event and I need to know to which destination the activity belongs. I would like to control the view of the infopath form based on the Destination Queue.
Badge +13
So what is preventing you from checking "Create single activity instance for queue" so you can use ActivityInstanceDestination.DestQueue.Name?

Support confirmed this errors in SP4, used to work in SP3.
