Help with a Query List: not resolving the text field

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I am using a Query action to lookup at the Project List :

- ProjectManager  (is set to People or Group)

- FreightChargeValue (is set to Single Line text because numbers or names are stored in it)

Based on the above, it should pull up some info and store them in variables.
However, the Query fails at that point where it tries to compare ...

Furthermore, when running in the CALM query as a test and manually type in my Surname, Name then the query is able to lookup at the Project List and pull up the relevant information associated to the column name ProjectManager.

Now, question is; why does it not work with the FreightChargeValue ?

Is it because its attribute is set to SingleLine as Text and not as a People or Group ?

How would I fix this in the workflow then?

I also tried using SET VARIABLE action to say set ProjectManager as FreightChargeValue but no help sad.png

16 replies

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Put the persons name/id into a string and filter using that?

Userlevel 1
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Hi Bim,

You can try to convert field "project manager" to  String use  "Query user Profile) and then you can try to filter ( use equal or contains).

Hope this can help you

Reva Eka Patria

Badge +11

Not sure if I understand this right..
how to convert to a string?

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Hi Reva

Do you mean this?
But the User field which looks at the FreightChargeValue is not a People of Group but a Single Line Field.

The pog_ProjectManager is a variable: People or Group.
However the source to pull the Manager's name from is a different customList.

In other words, there are 2 different custom lists: one for the Project List and one Form List.
The Form list is where users submit the request and the Query is supposed to pull info from Project List.

Userlevel 1
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Hi Bim,

Convert People to String .  to get name From Poople. Control 


Reva Eka Patria

Badge +11

Not sure how to convert it but the only way I do is by setting a variable.
Do you mean this ?

What next... ??

Now you want the Query to compare the ProjectManager field with pog_ProjectManager?

  <FieldRef Name="ProjectManager" LookupId="FALSE" />
  <Value Type="User">{WorkflowVariable:pog_ProjectManager}</Value>

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I have converted the field to String and this is the error message:

Failed to query list data. Data type returned from the list is incompatible with the variable to store the result in.

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To visualise what I want to do, so maybe you understand:


I am not able to get the relevant information from the QUERY.
Please help ... possibly with pictures to visualise the solution.

How do I convert a Text SingleField which contains a name Surname, Firstname into a People or Group field??
I have used SET VARIABLE and UPDATE FIELD actions but not having much luck...

Userlevel 1
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Could You share full Workflow screen,

I still don't understand your problem, do you want to  get all data project list (manager, Reference, Exces, etc) based on FreightChargeValue?

(Get project list data and insert to work list )


Reva Eka Patria

Badge +11


The event log just displays what data the variables hold.

As seen, no other variables holds any data because it could not compare the data in the query and pull the data.
Whereas the NextApprover field which shows as domain/username but it should show Surname, Firstname

Yes, I want the Query to look into ProjectList and compare ManagersName with the FreightChargeValue.
If the names Surname, Fistname is equal then store the (Managers, Exec, MD) info into variables (people or group).

Then the variables will be used to assign the Approval Process.

However, the query does not manage to compare the two fields because one is PeopleOrGroup and other is Single Field.

If you want, I can invite you to a webex meeting and you can see it live.

PS: I been trying a lot of variations and now I am totally confused!!!

Userlevel 1
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Is there a "Query User Profile" on your nintex ?

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Yes but with this query user profile I am not able to select the user from the ProjectList

because the workflow runs on a different CustomList.

I have sent you a webex meeting invitation to your email.

Joint the meeting (free) and I demonstrate it for you and you can see exactly what I have done.

Userlevel 1
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Hi Bim,

Nintex cannot compare Person group to Single text, so you have to convert the person group into single text

that it can be compared.
To convert,  you can use the Query for User Profile action. (if you are in doubt, then convert both Project list and Work List - save it into FreightChargeValue)

I tried to continue the work you modified (Because I don't understand all the processes for your workflow):
- Create the Field in Project list form Ex: txtProjectManager
- in workflow you can add the Query for user profile to get Name and then you can update it to the txtProjectManager field
- You can filter it based on txtProjectManager equal to FreightChargeValue

-  you can log history each action to debugs this variable.


Reva Eka Patria

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Can you join the WebEx Meeting or not??
In there you can see all via remote access to my PC.

I don't understand your suggestion.

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Further more,

Since there is no possibility to compare Person or Group field with a SingleLine field,
I therefore used the Update Action to set NextApprover as the FreightChargeValue.

The NextApprover is a Person or Group
However, the Query stills is failing to compare Manager's field with the NextApprover's list.

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used the Update Action and the Query Action.
Updated NextApprover (Person or Group field) with the FreightChargeValue (as String).

Queried the ProjectList and said if it contains NextApprover in the ProjetManager field then store data.
