Adding a Comment Section to a Nintex Form

  • 20 January 2016
  • 4 replies

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Our operations team is wanting me to create a form that will capture data such as "top 3 service requests, top quality issues" etc. Then email this list to a group of people. Easy enough.


What they want though is the ability to put in a repeating section at the bottom for the 10 users that this emails out, to add comments at the bottom of the form, which would then email that comment to everyone in the original email. Here is the direction I was going:


-Create a SharePoint group with those members.

-Put the comment repeating section at the bottom of the form, that will display when you tick the box to add a comment.

-Just restart the workflow when a comment is put in, which the workflow is only an email to the Operations Team members.


The problem though is I don't want the operations team to be able to edit any of the fields besides comments. I'm just wondering if I'm going in the right direction with this thought, or if I should maybe approach it differently. Googling and searching for the ability to comment on a field didn't have any results, but if you have a link with some examples that would be awesome.


I can upload my form if needed. Thanks!

4 replies

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Hi Michael,

One approach i can think of is use of Status column and Panels on the form.

Using status field, you can identify when the form has been sent to the operations team after all the editing or submitting of the form has been completed. Using the Panels on the form, create 1 panel with all the fields as labels (this will be read-only by default). On the same panel, add the repeating table and the comments section.

If the Status is something like, new request or In Progress, then hide the panel with labels and repeating table. If the status is "Sent for comments", then using rules, hide all other panels and only show the one with labels and comments. This way, you will use only one Save button on the form but in different scenarios. You can control the status with workflow. All users will have contribute access, but not necessarily they can edit the form.

Hope it helps you with ideas.

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Hello Kapil, thanks for the reply. Do you happen to have an example of this anywhere? I have the repeating section working, but don't quite understand the user permissions part and how I have to word the Functions for the parts I have to hide, specifically with the status part. I googled the codes per status but not sure where I have to sit them to properly work. Appreciate the help so far.

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Hi Michael,

Status is a choice type column in your list with choices like - New Request, In Progress, Open For Comments. The default value is New Request. When someone creates the item in the list, the status will be set to New Request automatically.

Workflow part:

Create a workflow in the list to start on item creation. Within the workflow, use send the email action to notify ppl who you want to send this form to for comments. Use Set item property to change the Status column value to Open For Comments.

You can add another start up condition to this workflow, when item is modified, send the email with new comments.

Form part:

Within the form, add all your field except the repeating table and comments box in one panel. Now add another panel underneath and add the repeating table with comments. Also add the field of your form in the read only mode using labels. Use the reference below to apply rules to these panels. Your condition on first panel would be something like this: {ItemProperty:Status}!="New Request" -> Hide.

For the second panel, rule would be: {ItemProperty:Status}!="Open For Comments" -> Hide.

Show or hide controls with Rules in Nintex Forms


I have lot of forms that are using this functionality but i'm not sure that I can share the same without removing confidential info. Let me know how this pans out.

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Kapil - thank you so much for this explanation. Huge help here. All that is left for me to figure out now is to get the workflow side to do what I need it to. Appreciate the support on this happy.png
