SmartActions Responce Emails - You successfully completed the Approval Task

  • 4 January 2016
  • 2 replies

Badge +7

Is it possible to stop the SmartActions Responce Emails, our users dont want the email "You successfully completed the Approval task with the 'Approve' action"

2 replies

Badge +9

Hi There


There is a way to disable these messages. It involves editing the K2HostServer.exe.config file.


In the K2HostServer.exe.config file, under <SmartActions><Messages>, you will see a list of SmartActions reply messages. Look for the following key:

<actionExecuted filename="TemplatesMessagesSmartActions.ActionExecuted" >

And change it to...

<actionExecuted filename="TemplatesMessagesSmartActions.ActionExecuted" enabled="false"/>

Restart your server and no more "ActionExecuted" email replies will come through.




Badge +7

Thanks a ton Ian, i will try that out.
