Referencing Web Services with Typed Datasets in K2Studio

  • 8 November 2004
  • 1 reply

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How to fix the problem when referencing a web service in K2Studio with Methods using Typed Datasets as return types or as parameters.

In order for you to understand, I will explain how we reference a web service in Studio:

Step1: Create a WSDL file by using the Disco.exe (To be found in the Framework SDK tools systemrootMicrosoft.NETSDKv1.1Bin)

Step2: Create a C# library(css file) from the created WSDL file by using the WSDL.exe file(To be found in the Framework SDK tools systemrootMicrosoft.NETSDKv1.1Bin)

Step3: Create the Proxy Dll from the C# library using the CSC.exe (C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetFrameWorkV1.1.4322)

Step4: Reference the Proxy Dll in Studio to create a reference to the Specific Web service.

I have found however as shown in the news group discussion below that there is a bug in the way Microsoft creates the C# library in the WSDL.exe when using a Typed Dataset as a return type or Parameter:

The only way to solve the problem is to create a Proxy dll manually and referencing it in Studio. This can be done by following the steps as described below

Step1: Download and install the Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 2.0 SP1 for Microsoft .NET

(Choose the Visual Studio Developer option when installing)

After installing you will see in the Readme that one of the following changes were made in a tool called WseWsdl2:

WseWsdl2 tool changes:

Generated proxy classes for Web service methods that use a DataSet type for a parameter or return value, now use the DataSet type as the Web service method. Previously, the proxy class would generate the System.Xml.XmlElement type for DataSet types.

Step2: Create the WSDL file needed by running the Disco.exe in the CMD line:

Disco.exe WebServiceURL Target Directory

The file with WSDL extension will be created at the Target Directory

Step3: Use the installed WseWsdl2.exe tool to create the C# library from the created WSDL file in Step2

File can be found in the C:Program FilesMicrosoft WSEv2.0ToolsWsdl directory

Run in CMD line: WseWsdl2.exe "C:Target Directoryservice1.wsdl" "C:TargetDirectoryCSharpLib.cs""

Step4: Open the created C# library in
Add the following references in Microsoft.Web.Services2

You should be able to compile the C# lib to a proxy dll using

Step5: Reference your created Proxy Dll in Studio
Also add the following 2 references in your K2 Project: Microsoft.Web.Services2

Call your code as the code Snippet show below:
Dim myService As New DataSetService
Dim oResponse As GetDataSetResponse
Dim oRequest As New GetDataSet
oResponse = myService.GetDataSet(oRequest)

Step6: Compile and Export your Process.

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Error in running Step 3 as follows:
An error occurred processing this WSDL. More information:

System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

at ClientGen.ClientGen.WriteCSOperationBinding(StreamWriter writer, ServiceDescription desc, OperationBinding op)

at ClientGen.ClientGen.WriteOperationBinding(StreamWriter writer, ServiceDescription desc, OperationBinding op)

at ClientGen.ClientGen.WriteClass(StreamWriter writer, ServiceDescription desc, String className, String url, Binding binding)

at ClientGen.ClientGen.GenerateCode(ServiceDescription desc, String outputFile, XmlSchemas schemas)

at ClientGen.ClientGen.GenerateCode(String descriptionFile, String outputFile, XmlSchemas schemas)

As an alternative, I used the steps onlined below and worked:

1. In your development environment, make sure you are using: .NET Framework version 1.1, 2003, 2003

2. Create proxy.dll to reference to your web services

2.1 Create proxy.cs using tool wsdl.exe from 2003, as an example:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003SDKv1.1Bin>wsdl /o:c:miscproxy.cs http://MyWebsite/MyWebserviceSite/MyWebservices.asmx
Microsoft (R) Web Services Description Language Utility
[Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 1.1.4322.573]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.

Writing file c:miscproxy.cs .

2.2 Create proxy.dll using 2003

2.2.1 New Project -> Visual C# Project -> Class Library

2.2.2 Add the existing item proxy.cs into the project proxy

2.2.3 Make sure to add references to include the following:

2.2.4 Build solution, the proxy.dll will be generated and locate at, for example:
C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsVisual Studio ProjectsproxyinDebug

3. Use the created proxy.dll in your K2 project

3.1 Add proxy.dll to reference so the project references have:

3.2 Modify a K2 Web Service and Assembly event

3.2.1 Right-click the Web Service Event, Properties -> Event Item and click button Edit Code, make web method calls as if you do in VS.NET.
