Unable to connect to [Server] on port 5252

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I have seen a lot of posts regarding this error and everytime that their issue have been resolved, but no one has actually posted the resolution. I have exactly the same issue and I have tried everything that everybody said to try, but still no joy. Can someone please help me? I need to get K2 Balckpearl running as quick as possible as my dev team needs to do POC.

15 replies

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1) check whether k2 Blackpearl service is runnning

2) check whether k2 Blackpearl is configured on that particular port


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You can also try running your K2 Server in console mode (make sure you so a Run-as if the K2 Service account is different from the one you're logged in as). If anything is wrong (missing MSMQ, invalid or expired license keys, etc), it will be written to console.

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Hi maxpirate,

1) K2 blackpearl is definitely installed as a service and running

2) it is configured to listen on port 5555 and 5252. The Workflow service is supposed to be running on port 5252

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Hi dc,

I did the following:

1) Stopped the K2 server service

2) Started K2 Server in Console mode using run as

3) it the server started up fine, but as soon as I tried opening the Workspace site, I got this in console:

Error   2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.WorkflowMa
nagementHostServer.GetServerData, SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.Workflo
wManagementHostServer Not Hosted!
Error   2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.WorkflowMa
nagementHostServer.GetServerData, SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.Workflo
wManagementHostServer Not Hosted!
Error   8060 ProcessPacket Error, SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.Workflo
wManagementHostServer Not Hosted!

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You can see the HostableServerRegistration that whether or not registrat SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.WorkflowManagementHostServer in hostserver DB. And check the k2 blackpearl configure file.

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Hi kennyHuang

Can you please explain? 

"You can see the HostableServerRegistration that whether or not registrat SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.WorkflowManagementHostServer in hostserver DB. And check the k2 blackpearl configure file." - I don't understand

It seems that the workflow service is not listening on port 5252. How can I check if the workflow service is installed or not and why it is not lsitening on port 5252?

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Hi DoubleD 

You can open DB-->Hostserver-->HostableServerRegistration,and see the SourceCode.Workflow.Rumtime.Management.WorkflowManagementHostServer whether or not has registrat.

Please check k2 server configure log file, and see the confiure that whether or not has issue.(Patch: C:Program FilesK2 blackpearlConfigurationLog) 


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Hi kennyHuang,

Thanks for your reply.

It is not in the DB or the configuration log. The only Workflow entry in the log is for Visio:

"1124","2009-07-10 03:07:45","Info","15","15001","INFO","SourceCode.Visio.Configuration.Config","15001 Successfully registered c:program filesk2 blackpearlBinSourceCode.Workflow.Visio.AddIn.dll.

What to do from here?

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Hi Double 

I advice you that repair the blackpearl, and see the configure log file, the log file whether or not has error.



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Nope, still nothing. I have repair installed blackpearl, reconfigured it and rebooted the server, still the same problem. The K2 [blackpearl] Server service is running and I made absolutely sure about the logon account as well. This getting ridiculous now.
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Sounds very much like your License Key has expired. If you can see a message similar to the one below when the server starts up, you need to request a new key:
This component is not licensed

If thats not the case, I would recommend submitting an official support ticket so someone can have a look at your environment.

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Hi dc,

I have an Evaluation License that only expires in December. I am not seeing any messages that indicate that my license has expired.

I just wan to mention that together with the port 5252 error, I am seeing this:

SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Management.WorkflowManagementHostServer Not Hosted!

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The two messages are related, the "Unable to connect" error is caused by the different services hosted in the server not being able to start successfully. So even though the console itself runs, the actual listener has not been initialized.

The only other advice I have is to enable full tracing on the Console or Log file and see if that surfaces any additional information:

 Set LogLevel to All and restart the console. This will give much more info.

Badge +5

Hi There,

Please find below a quick checklist it items that I like to run through if I experience problems with starting the K2 Service, they may help:

- Check the service account that k2 is running under has sufficient permissions (see the install docs for required permissions) i.e to access DB's ect. an easy test is to set the account as domain admin and dbo and work back from there

- Check that no other applications are listining on port 5555 or 5252 if they are k2 will not be able to listen and will fail to start

- Turn of performance counter logging in the K2 configuration file, if you do not have permissions these can cause problems

- Check the licence key (I see you have done this)

- Start running traces as suggested by dc 

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Boy, do I feel sheepish now.

It turns out that my K2 blacpearl did not have the correct licensing and I was thus trying to run it unlicensed (which would obviously not work). thank you all for all yourtips and advice and patience. Thanks dc for sending me the link to that thread. That's the thread that helped me realise that there was a licensing issue.

I have a new license and I have reconfigured my blackpearl installation adn now it works perfectly well.
