Rule input property not persisting

Badge +3

I have an Update rule that I'm having troule with.  When the user clicks the update button the rule fires but returns an error as follows:



Using Smartforms 1.0.6, any ideas? 


thanks, -Jason




6 replies

Badge +6

Hi JasonBu,


How was the SMO you are using created? Also would you please attach reproducton steps because i would like to test this on my enviroment to see if it could be bug.


Many Thanks,



Badge +3

I created the SMO using the SmartObject Service Tester.   It was created from the SQL Service Instance from a table in the database. 


I would be interested if you are able to repro it.  I'm not sure how far back to go step-wise. 


Steps to reproduce (generalized): 


  1. Creat a Data table (primary key ID)
  2. Create the SMO from the SQL service instance (create, load, read, update methods)
  3. Create a Form
  4. Create a ItemView and associate it with the smartobject (insert the ItemView into the form)
  5. Create a view parameter for the Primary Key ID 
  6. In the Form initialize create a rule that will load the data for one record and pass the return Record Id to the ItemView Primary Key ID parameter.
  7. Setup a rule for the update (on a button click) and use the Record Id parameter for the required update value. 
  8. Run the form, enter some values and click update. 


Now in my instance when I go back in to update the Update rule the Record Id is missing,even though i continue to add it. 


thanks, -Jason




Badge +7



Rename your parameter to something else, like ViewOtherApp_ID


Parameter names and view variable names sometimes have a hard time co-existing if they are the same name.

Badge +3

Hi David, 


Looks like that did the trick.  Renamed the view parameter and the value is now persisting.  


Thanks, -Jason

Badge +7

That awesome.  


I've changed my tatics on when I create my parameters to ensure the first couple of characters are a little different.  Now I'll add Vw for views and Fm for form make sure this bug doesn't hit me while testing.


This was driving me mad today, couldn't work out why it kept disappearing. I've now taken to adding an underscore in front of my parameter names to avoid this happening again. Thanks for posting the solution.
