Dynamic assignment of work items to AD groups

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I have created a process which has an activity with one client event. This activity has a destination rule which directs the activity to a destination queue which I have created. This destination queue is sent to an Active Directory queue.
Now say a lot of work items are created for each user in this AD group. Then a new user is added to the AD group. Will unopened work items (i.e. with status=Available) which were created before this user was added to the AD group be assigned these work items whenever the destination queue is refreshed?

Also, I have another small query. What is the difference between the 2 worklist item statuses Open and Allocated?

Many thanks in advance,


3 replies

Badge +7
Regarding your first question. I am not 100% sure but no I don't think that the task will be in the list of the newly added member. Only the next task when the guy is already in the group will reach him.

Regarding your second question. Assume that you have two users in a destination for an activity and only one slot. The first user who clicks on the worklist item within the k2 worklist sets the status to open in his worklist (a small yellow asterisk is added). In the same time the status of the worklist item of user two is set two allocated (a small blue guy is added). Once the first user has set the status to open in his worklist no one else can work on the task anymore. the best is always to set your worklist filters that you cannot see tasks with the status of allocated like this you won't see the tasks someone else is already working on.
Badge +1
Hi nukkumatti,

Thanks for your clarification around the work list statuses.
I also thought that the behaviour whenever a new user is added to an AD group is as you describe. Can anyone else confirm this for certain?

Thanks again,

Badge +8
For the later service packs you have the ability to use Dynamic Destinations for a queue. This setting will let the K2 Server update the destination users whenever it detects a change in the Queue membership (when the Queue is refreshed) even after the Worklist items have been assigned. Just check the "Use Dynamic Queues for this Activity" checkbox in the Destination Rule of the activity.

Do note that this will require some additional processing and using this excessively and under high loads may have lead a degradation in performance.
