If my workflow updates items, would I need to start my workflow as created or modified?

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Dumb question I know...but if I have a workflow that keeps line items on a list but updates specific fields on that line item to blank when it runs through a process, does my workflow setting need to be set up to run off of created or modified? Btw...my condition is "When Status equals Complete"

Just trying to understand the way Nintex thinks. I have trouble with the workflows running based off of fields. Works fine manually ran. Thanks.

Cassy Freeman


3 replies

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so if it needs to run on complete then you will need to have starting conditions as follows:

items created > conditional > when status = Complete

items modified > conditional > when status (previous value) <> Complete and status = Complete

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Thanks Cassy!

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While I thought this was my dumbest question yet, I think this just solved my biggest problem I was having!! Thank you!!
