Making running proces instance skip an event

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I have a few runnning process instances and i would like to make them skip an event in a activity. So, I have activity, which has an event that calls a smartobject method and then stores the data that the method returns in a datafield. Now, this method fails (mistakenly removed the smartobject method and deployed the smartobejct in production) and holds up the rest of the event. Now i can update the data fields manually with the results o that smartobejct call. 


How do i make it skip that event in a process instance that is already running.


Hope that makes sense .

Thanks in advance.

3 replies

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Have you tried the "Go To Activity" functionality in "K2 Workspace" to make this instance progress to the next activity?

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I thanks for your reply. 


Unfortunately, I want to skip an event and not the activity. I still want the rest of the activity after that event to continue.


Userlevel 1
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Hi S0m3one


I suggest you publish a new version of your workflow with the fix for the event causing the error. Then let the existing processes go into an error state. Using Visual Studio open the Process Manager and restart the errored processes selecting the later version of the workflow.
