Create a task delegation link

  • 15 February 2022
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +19



After removing the task delegation link from a form design, it cannot be added back in.



  1. Add a Rich Text control to the form design.
  2. Open the Rich Text control configuration window and select 'Edit Source' from the ribbon.
  3. Insert the following HTML into the control, and then save it:
<span id="NWRTEReference1">Or you can&#160;<a class="ms-rtestate-write" contenteditable="true" onclick="selectThis(this);" href="javascript&colon;void(0);" reflink="{Common:DelegateUrl}&amp;ApprovalPage={Common:ApprovalUrl}" reftext="Delegate" link="true" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline;">Delegate</a></span>&#160;this task to another person.

Additional Information


Task forms contain a task delegation link by default. The HTML above is a suggestion for a replacement if needed.

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