Error in main Workspace and SmartForms new install....401 - Unauthorized / Possible Analyzer Bug

  • 15 October 2015
  • 1 reply

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After perform a new installation of BlackPearl found the main root site with the following error. 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.


This error is present from the main root site for Workspace and for Smartforms


K2 Workspace

http://blackpearl => 401 - Unauthorized

http://blackpearl/workspace => Works Ok [ Only if you setup the IIS correctly !!! ]


K2 SmartForms

http://blackpearl:81 => 401 - Unauthorized

http://blackpearl:81/designer => Works Ok [ Only if you setup the IIS correctly !!! ]


This is really strange, why the main root site can't parse properly an index page or redirect without showing the file like an FTP site... But at least got to work with the main sites.


Another interesting issue found in the default installation is the "Magic Button". Yes K2 Did a great job with the K2 Analyzer, where goes trough all the configuration and reports what need to be changed. In a perfect world this is a great idea, and is expected to have the desired results. However... we dont' live in such world, and the recommendation to fix some false/positive or perhaps ideal/recommended configuration change the settings of the subsites to a configuration that for windows authentication just does not work.


Seems like it default to Kerberos. The warning/alert that display is: Identity - Set Virtual Directory Anonymous Authentication:

Windows Authentication:True

Anonymous Authentication: False

Forms Authentication: False


We find out that Enable Windows Authentication for a single server worked great for us. even If the Analyzer determine is a problem. because if we follow the settings of the Authentication of the subsites, will just not work.


Possible Analyzer Bug on IIS reporting a false/positive, due to the fact that did not consider if is using Windows Authentication or the Default Windows Authentication. Anyhow. for our purposes we will still try to find a way to get rid of the main website issue, but is not a show stopper as long as the subsite work. The configuration of the subsites seem to be working even if the Analyzer tool suggest that something might be incorrect.


Just wanted to share in case somebody have some possible solutions and perhaps put this as some of the future requests for the K2 Analyzer to make the installation more smooth.



1 reply

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Well the root site won't work. That's normal.  /Workspace is required, /runtime is required, /designer is required.  Those all look good to me.
