Submit Button disappears

  • 29 January 2005
  • 1 reply

Initially creating a workflow that after the first activity submits the information, the next activity in hte workflow will show the next view in InfoPath. When opening this next step from the Form Library in SPS I initialy see my submit button but get this error.

The submit button then goes away?

1 reply

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When submitting an InfoPath form in, it will try and access a remote Webservice called InfoPathService. IE will warn you of this happening in case you might have some security problem which prohibits you from using a browser to send information to a remote source. At this point you will have to click "Yes" or else all submit actions will be disabled on the page. You can also try setting your IE Security settings under the specific Zone you are in to Enable the Access data Sources Accross domains(See Attachment). Hope this helps.
