Error on escalation

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My workflow fails on an escalation rule. I am getting the following error in my error log in the process portal: "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."


I have the escalation set to send an e-mail after 2 hours and repeat 99 times. It also is using the default working zone. Any ideas?

3 replies

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Hi Ryan,

 Does it fail on the first time it hits the escallation, and are you able to send any other similarly configued email events from the server. In other words, if you send a normal email event with the same SMTP server and from/to account does it work then?


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i don't think it fails the first time but i'm not 100% sure. it does appear that if there are other instances running on other site collections, their escalations work fine.
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i just confirmed that it does not fail on the first time.
