Need to cancel a request which is already approved, Not from database.

  • 25 February 2016
  • 3 replies

Badge +4



I need to cancel a request which is already approved by Manager. Manager's approval also required for this cancalation. I mean is it possible that cancel request is also consider as new request and go to the approver for action. Can I use the same workflow, or I need to build a new workflow.



3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +9



One way to do this may be by using the "Go to Activity" functionality in workspace. It sounds like you want this to have the proper approval from the manager so this may be a better option than just creating a new workflow or stopping the workflow instance altogether.


Here is a quick piece of documentation on the Go to Activity functionality:


To get here you must navigate to K2 Workspace and go to the "Mangement Console". After opening up management console expand out these nodes:


server node -> workflow server -> processes -> [Select the process we are trying to send to be canceled] -> instances


See below screenshot:



Now you need to find the instance that we would like to send for the manager to cancel. Please locate this based off of your folio and select the checkbox on that instance. Now, at the toolbar at the top there will be a Goto Activity button. Click on that.




Now select the activity in which the manager has the ability to cancel this request. Clicking okay will let you know if the Goto Activity succeeded. This will send the instance back to that activity instance ID and it will pop up in the Manager's worklist. He can now do a cancel with his approval as if the workflow naturally was there.


Let us know if you run into any issues or this does not solve your issue.


Thanks and have a great day!



Badge +4



Thanks for response but, If the request is already approved then I can't use GoTo Avtivity option. How can I cancel a request which already approved, taking the approval again from the approvers. Is it possible like from line rules that I can start the workflow again from SmartForm treatng Cancel Request as new request.



Badge +1

Hello Madhusudan01,


Is your workflow already completed ?

If the workflow already completed, you can't cancel it (and you can't go to activity).

For example to complete the workflow, you need 2 approval : section manager and dept manager.

When section manager already approved but your dept manager not yet, you can still cancel it. But if the dept manager already approved, it is not make sense to cancel the approval request since it is already fully approved. So, you must create (and start) new workflow for cancellation process.


From my experiences :

If your workflow approval process not yet completed, the option is :

1. The approver has not taken any action, but the requestor want to withdraw the request : Create activity revision (task for requestor to revise the request) on the workflow, and after task revision it will back to approval. if you want to cancel the process, just go to activity to this revision activity. (you don't need cancellation)

2. Create IPC event to start another workflow for cancellation workflow if you want to separate the workflow cancellation and the original request workflow. If you want to cancel the process, go to activity where the IPC event is set.


Both of them need "go to activity". If you don't want "go to activity" from workspace manually, you can try custom service from market.


If your workflow approval process already completed :

just forget the original approval process (you can't do anything with this) and just start the new approval process for cancellation.

