The famous "user does not have permissions to open the process"

Badge +2

Hi all,

This is my first post :)

I have a web app that interacts with k2 with a "Dynamic Web Service". The methods in that Web Service are all SmartObjects.

When I call a method from that web service I receive the "error Message: 28018 K2:DomainSRVSHPOINT01$ does not have permissions to open the process".

SRVSHPOINT01$ is the machine name....

The Identity returned in the code is: WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name = NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE

When the identity is the user that submitts the form to call the WS everything works fine.

My code:

SCConnectionStringBuilder scBuilder = new SCConnectionStringBuilder();
scBuilder.Authenticate = true;
scBuilder.IsPrimaryLogin = true;
scBuilder.Integrated = true;
scBuilder.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["K2_Host"];
scBuilder.Port = uint.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["K2_Port"]);

Connection k2Conn = new Connection();               
 k2Conn.Open(scBuilder.Host, scBuilder.ConnectionString);

SourceCode.Workflow.Client.ProcessInstance k2Pi = k2Conn.OpenProcessInstance(k2ProcessId);

Any ideias ? Can I add the NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE to the Process Rights?

Thank you in advance.


3 replies

Badge +9

I Think SRVSHPOINT01$ is an account which doesnt have Admin permissions for that particular process. try giving these permissions and check. let me know u have any issues.

Badge +2

Hi srikanth,

The problem was the app pool running that web app.

When I change the identity to the K2 service account it works.

Thanks for your reply.

Badge +11

Thank you it solved the problem
