multiple assignment on a task

Badge +1

hi there,

 i have a case here i need to know what i can do about it.

my case is: user is assined a task, when the user is late to do his task then his/her manager become ALSO assigned on the same task so any one of them now can do the task.

simply; can i add one more user to be assigned also on task assigned to another user.

 thanks in advance

4 replies

Badge +9

I don't believe there is a way to add a user/users to an existing Activity instance.  However, I think you can do something like the following via process design:

On the desired activity, create an escalation that fires after the predetermined, late, time.  Have this escalation, set a process datafield that designates this activity as "late" and then expire this activity (this may require some coding within the Default Escalation template).  Have a line on this activity that loops back onto itself.  The line rule logic can be (pseudo-code) "If activity.Status = Expired AND ProcessDatafield.Late = true).  The activity should have a new destination added to it that contains the other user(s).  There can be a rule on this new Destination that will dictate that it is only used if the "Late" process data field is true.  I think the original destination should always fire so the original user gets this newly-recreated task too.

FYI, in case you are not familiar with how to use multiple destinations within K2 Studio, you can check out this K2 Underground post (



Badge +13

Bob, would expiring current activity stop other parallel activities?

Another approach is to assign additional dest to a TempHolder spot then escalation rule will redirect the TempHolder to the manager.  (but this way the regular client event for email is not fired)

Badge +3

This challenge doesn't seem that odd.  Does anyone know if the next version of K2 (blackpearl) will facilitate assigning destination users after the destination rule event has run?

One of the workarounds was to expire the activity and redo it.  What are the ramifications of expiring activities in order to accomplish adding a destination user in terms of tracking your workflow statistics / reports?

Badge +9

First, in response to Peter's post:

Expiring an activity should not have any affect on other/parallel activities.  Doing a GOTO would shut down all other active activities, but Expiring does not do that.

Peter also mentions the use of place holder destinations.  I think should work fine in low volume scenarios, but this does introduce overhead as this specific activity will always have at least one "placeholder" activity instance.  If this is an InfoPath form with embedded attachments with thousands of process instances, this can begin to introduce additional resource overhead just to accomodate the exception cases where there is no response in an appropriate time.  Also if there is the potential for multiple, new users to assign to, then you would need to have multiple placeholder destinations.

Second, Iabdi questions the impact of my suggestion to expire and redo on statistics and reports.  That is an excellent question.  This activity will infact show two distict, sequential instances of this activity when this escalation fires.  Whether or not that is appropriate or not is up to the individual business reporting environment.  I have found many locations that are not bothered by this within their reports.  Iabdi also asks if this will change at all under K2 [blackpear].  To the best of my knowledge it has not changed.  I agree that this is something that would be a valuable feature.
