Workflow Chart Viewer

  • 2 February 2015
  • 6 replies
  • 1 view

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I am having difficulty trying to get the workflow chart viewer to display. I just want to have a pie chart displaying all of my workflows that have completed but I keep getting the following error:

"The report contains more than one series, please configure the chart display settings", which I did however nothing displays. I also ran into an issue when I search for an AD group the group doesn't display at all in the people picker. Please help.

6 replies

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Please post the Chart settings, in particular the column settings.

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Here are the settings that I have...chartsettings.JPG


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You have to select one numerical column. I tested with 'Workflow Name' and 'Duration' and it works.

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Thank you so much...I get the following after I chose one column


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I am also active directory.JPGunable to choose any active directory groups from the people picker.
