Emails from k2 / SharePoint

  • 11 March 2014
  • 1 reply

Emails send via "mail send" activity. Emails don't send via task assignment. In a distributed farm is 1 sent from SPS (central admin for e.g.) and another from k2 (k2 service?)

1 reply

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Even in your distributed farm, the emails from the task are sent from the K2 service.


You have two options:


1) Go to your K2 server and launch the Connection String Editor: "C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBinConnectionStringEditor.exe" and make sure your settings are correct.


2) Blackpearl setup wizard and pay close attention to the email configuration: Start > All Programs > K2 Blackpearl > K2 Blackpearl setup wizard.  You can run through this wizard without finalizing the setup to get to the email portion to test your settings.  



This was a bit tricky for me, due to the fact I have a hosted email providor.  However, I was still able to test the settings to get it all set.

