User Starts Workflow and it Remains in Task List, Also Administrators are Unable to release Workflow Instance

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User Starts Workflow and it remains in Task Lists. Administrators are unable to release this workflow Instance.




The following errors can be found in the K2 Host Server log:

K2:xxxxxxxxxx from is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=xxxxx_xx

"Error","General","1","GeneralErrorMessage","K2Worker.Action","1 26033 Worklist item xxxxx_xx Not Open for K2:xxxxxxxxxx at"



This error in host server is being logged when an entry in Actioner table for affected user(s) has a trailing space at the end of username.

To resolve this you can do the following:

1. In Active Directory check that the User does not have a trailing space after the User Account name, to make sure that Actioner table indeed contains wrong information caused by manual input or something like this

2. Use the following to query to check if the entry in the Actioner table has a trailing space:




-- You can use this script to check if ActionerName has spaces in the beginning or in the end




SELECT ActionerName


FROM Server.Actioner




3. If this script returned you any data it means that ActionerName contains space(s) in the end or in the beginning of its value. As usual before attempting any modifications of K2 database create  database backup first, then make sure that there is no trailing space for this user account in Active Directory and use the following script to trim the spaces around the ActionerName: value 


--Make sure to specify correct ID, using information from previous query




UPDATE Server.Actioner


SET ActionerName=LTRIM(RTRIM([ActionerName])) WHERE ID=1




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