Outcome/Lines based on the value of a form data field

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Very noob question here I suppose. Apologies if it falls in the wrong forum or in some way violates etiquette. I have a Sharepoint task item-initiated workflow that needs to branch off to one of 5 different sub-workflows (could be child processes, or maybe not) based on a initiator-specified value. I could not find a way for the 'Start' activity to parse out the value and send the workflow off down one of the branches. I can add multiple outcomes to the first 'Activity' added to a workflow, but only (it seems to me) if it is a client event. At that point, I don't think the workflow is relying on a user to do something to affect the process moving on into one of the available branches. I certainly don't want to require a step where someone has to change the field in the UI, in order to affect the movement to one branch or other.


Is there a Server event that can have outcomes based on the value of a data field? Or is that barking up the wrong tree?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If it makes sense I can post the source files....broken/nonfunctional as they are.


Thank you...

2 replies

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Hi, you can definitely have multiple outcomes from an event without having client activity. We have 13 outcome lines from an event without client activity. Infact we used empty placeholderevent.

It is all down to your line rule to succeed and how you defined your child workflow to start.  Did you check the viewflow? How far the workflow went through and failed?


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Thanks ssnathan_72! Yes I agree this is the answer I sought.  Good stuff.
