Thousands of errors and cancelled Workflows and user keep receiving emails for those errors

  • 20 October 2021
  • 3 replies

Suddenly, I found out that a Thousands of errored and cancelled Workflow in myList.

I could not find a reson for that and the users keep receiving emails for those errors(workflow failed to run)

Actually we have the august Cumulative update in our farm, So we did this PS code to run all SP2010 Workflow:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$farm.EnablePreParseSecurityCheckForWorkflow = $false


Also , I found this nintex article for the failed to run error  and we did the PS code also:

$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication -identity http://<web app name>



And we  purge nintex Workflow history List 

NWAdmin.exe –o PurgeHistoryListData -siteUrl -lastActivityBefore 2014-07-01 00:00 -state SELECT STATE‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍



After All that ; i still have the problem.


Any help please, it's on PROD environment and its for thousands Workflow instance.

Thank you 


3 replies

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Try to create a test workflow with a flexi task action on a new list and check if the same error will appear. 

If yes, then it is due to the cumulative update. 

Please, visit this link to get more information about how it resolves:


Otherwise, you also have a video:


Thank you for your response, 

I want to know what do you suggest of the errored and cancelled instances,

Users keep receiving error email.

Badge +9

Hi @timen 


I'm sorry to hear that your workflows are failing, we need to investigate this further; could you please contact and we'll hopefully get this resolved for you.


