Backup and restore SiteCollection with UDA

  • 18 November 2015
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi all,


I'm writing this post just to know if someone else has experienced the same issues and if there are any best practices to do in these case:


I have a site collection in SharePoint Content DB1 mapped with default Nintex DB,


I've done the backup of the site collection and restored it in a new SharePoint Content DB and I've found all my Nintex workflows but not the UDAs that were defined at site collection level.. I've tried also to restore back in the original place but the UDAs were missing also there..


I had a recent export of the UDAs so I've been able to republish them and fix the workflow but..if I hadn't it could be a major issue..


Do you have experienced a similar situation? Otherwise, how could be moved a Site Collection without these issues?





5 replies

Badge +4

Hi Giacomo,

I just found your post through Google. I've experienced the same thing just recently and this may be the second time I've seen this. I think it may be a bug with UDAs. I recently did a restore of a site collection to a new domain/web app but the UDAs were not restored.

Unfortunately the workaround would be to export all your UDAs before you do the restore, and then import them into the restored site collection. You may need to then reconfigure the UDAs within each workflow, and/or republish each workflow that has a UDA in it.

I'm opening a Nintex support ticket to see what they say.



Hello Allan,

I've been experiencing something very similar and am thus highly interested in what Nintex has to say about your ticket.

Will follow up on this in two weeks after my vacation and most likely also open a support ticket.

Please keep us updated if you find the time.

Thanks & Cheers,


Badge +4


Below I've included their replies to the loss of UDAs and workflow schedules. It looks like the sys admins just need to include a couple extra steps when restoring site collections that have Nintex workflows, and the developers need to reconfigure a few things after restoring. I've also noticed that certain workflow actions sometimes break (e.g. a site workflow that has a "Create item in another site" action will actually point to the old domain so you have to recreate the action entirely; some "Return type as" values will be emptied and so the workflow errors).

What Nintex Support said:

When you perform a backup and restore the site ID will change, which will cause anything in the Nintex database referencing the site ID to not function. We store User Defined Action information in the Nintex content database in the below tables.



If you would like to keep information referenced in the Nintex content database, you can use the nwadmin -o movedata command to update the database with the new site id. Please refer to the below documents for details on this command.

You can also create a dedicated Nintex content database for a site collection and use the movedata command to move information retaining the site collection to this new database. Please see the below guide.

In regards to the loss of workflow schedules (found at /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/WorkflowSchedules.aspx ), here's what Nintex Support said:

When you move the site collection to a new domain or web application the Site ID will have changed, so the references we store in the Nintex database will no longer point to the correct site collection. We store information regarding scheduled workflows in the Nintex database. So this is generally expected behavior, please see the link below for details on performing a backup and restore.

  The site workflows should still exist, however you will need to recreate the schedules.


Hello Allan,

thank you so much for this reeally helpful answer!

Did you already try the MoveData operation with NWAdmin.exe?
I'm interested in the setup and parameters you used.

Did you stop certain services before executing the MoveData operation?
Did you give the same database as the Source and Target parameter?

I am definitely going to write this up and bother our support contact about this as well.

Again thank you so much for posting this!



Badge +7


Can I update data in 



Manually(Means without using  nwadmin -o movedata)?
