How to update the hidden columns of list using Nintex workflow

  • 6 September 2019
  • 9 replies

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Wanted to know if there is any way I can update the hidden internal columns of a list as in the dropdown it does not show any of those.


I am Using nintex 2016 on prem not online . All the post i find using using REST api update points to nintex13 or online which does not valid to 2016.


I am trying to update the ParentID column in task list which is hidden by default to a value 

9 replies

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Have you tried using the REST api with SharePoint 2016? I don't see any reason why this should not work, since the REST api has been available since SharePoint 2013 it is most certainly part of SharePoint 2016 as well - even though there might not be as many postings.

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Could you please point me up to nintex 2016 rest api update help documentation as 2013 steps and ui seems to be different than 2016 nintex
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do you want to update a sharepoint list-item or do you want to update some Nintex-specific data? If you want to do the first, you need to call the SharePoint REST API not the Nintex REST API.

You can find some information about the SharePoint REST API at This is not specific to any version of SharePoint, but does work with SharePoint 2016.

So potential workflow could look like this:


In order to update a list-item you have to do something like this:


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Thanks for replying, I know the sharepoint rest api, but my problem is with Nintex 2016, The image you have shown is different from my version and want to know how to use teh sharepoint rest api inm y version of nintex . Find below the screenshot of the Nintex 2016. Is there any documentation which shows how I can use the Rest api in below Version of Nintex. The webmethod is always blank as its expecting soap i believe


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I guess have to use the web request rather than call webservice, Will try the post method and log to see the update4294i543DA94A2F9736BA.png


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That's a different action! There are actually two actions for requests: the "call web service" as well as the "web request". If you want to interact with the REST API you will have to use the latter, because the "call web service"-action can only call SOAP-based web-services.


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Thanks, I have tried following the post here to update a column
also followed your screenshot but I am getting the below error not sure where am doing wrong4419iB4A96A43A74C0390.png




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What's the value of the workflow-variable "formDigest"? You need to have a valid formdigest in order to update a list-item. If you want to test the service-call you have to substitute a valid value, as the "run-now" function does not resolve variables.

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Thanks @eiben  for all the help. Posting the answer here that worked for me, for anyone coming here on how to update the hidden column parent ID in task list on high level . Hope this helps someone come looking to update the hidden column in task list





You can get the ListItemEntityTypeFullName from this - <site>/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('List Name')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName4445iB38DCCE8DCEBB54D.png

