Missing: Worklist Actions Menu

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Hi all.

The Worklist Actions Menu doesn't show on my worklist page. I don't even get to see the upside down triangle when I hoover the worklist item.

Here is what I have tried:
I first set the user permissions for the process to Start and View Participate. That didn't work. Next, I gave the user all permissions (i.e. Admin, Start, View, View Participate. That didn't work either.

I compared the K2 settings of my development environment to that of the K2101 VPC image (where it does work) and I don't see any difference.

Could it have something to do with Javascript settings? Does anybody have a simular experience?



2 replies

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I suspect this is related to your browser settings, as a test pop the URL for the workspace in the "Local Intranet" security zone and set the security to low, restart IE and try again browse the workspace.
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Hey Mark,

Thanks for your reply. It was indeed in the area that you suggested.

It's working for me now. 
