How to know, that this is the Escalation?

  • 29 September 2008
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

Hi all,

Short question: Is it possible to know (in code) if this code executes as escalation?


I have an activity with a mail notification event. Now the mail says something like "if you do not answer, this will be redirected to xxx".Then I have a escalation rule to redirect this activity to another guy. Now the guy will get the same mail notification and I do not want it!

The cool solution would be something like: K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.IsEscalation (or at least something like ...IsRedirected)

Any ideas?

thanks in advance,


1 reply

Badge +9

I guess the easiest would be to put a process data field flag to indicate that the first email went out.  So your mail event would probably have to check to see if the message should be modified.

The other alternative is to redirect to a different activity with a different notification email.

The 3rd alternative is to not put that message "if you do not answer, this will be redirected to xxx" :)
