Save without closing form

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We need the ability to create a save button which doesn't close the form.


I noticed a feature request which was marked as 'early planning' in January 2014: Saving without closing a form – Customer Feedback for Nintex.  We are now at the end of 2015, does anyone know when this is likely to be progressed?  This function is available in Infopath and K2 so it's disappointing to see that Nintex has seemingly forgotten about his feature request.


Short of using SPServices to create/update the list item I can't think of any other approach.  However, while we don't mind using custom javascript the number of columns would make this an onerous task.


I'd appreciate any information or ideas on a possible workaround for this issue.

14 replies

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Saving without closing a form – Customer Feedback for Nintex

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The only way I could find to go around this is to Submit the form BUT then Force Redirect the page back to itself using a custom function:

function RedirectToSelf() {

    if (!IsEditMode) {



    var action = NWF$('#aspnetForm').attr('action');

    var shortAction = action.substring(0, action.indexOf('&'));

    var finalAction = shortAction + '&Source=' + shortAction;

    NWF$('#aspnetForm').attr('action', finalAction);


Hope it helps someone!

Badge +2

What I did was add this to the Redirect URL in the Advanced section of the Form Settings:

fn-If(fn-Equals(Status,"Submitted"),fn-Replace(Item URL,"DispForm","EditForm"),fn-GetQueryString("Source"))

This doesn't work perfectly for me yet because it will do the redirect any time an item with Status=="Submitted" is saved; I really only want it to happen when the status changes to In Process.  Also, the redirect when the Cancel button is clicked on the item doesn't work right yet.

Note that I am using the fn-Replace because I want it to reopen in Edit mode.  You can take that function out and just leave the Item URL if you are OK with it reopening in Display mode.

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I guess to redirect the form to edit/Display view we will require "ID" to get generated hence the Advance section function wont work as ID wont be generated before redirection.To check his try adding hardcoded it  will redirect

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For my case, the redirection isn’t needed at the time of creation, only after being saved, but you might be right if this were attempted on a new item. I’m not sure if the life cycle would generate the ID and feed it back in time for the Item URL property to be set properly.

I was able to redirect to the Edit form by changing the Item URL portion to fn-Replace(Item URL,”DispForm”,”EditForm”). I need to do more testing but I am thinking that the formula needs to append the Source item from the query string so that it redirects properly after the next action. That would be (proper syntax still needed): fn-If(fn-Equals(Status,"Submitted"),fn-Replace(Item URL,"DispForm","EditForm")”&Source=” fn-GetQueryString("Source"),fn-GetQueryString("Source")).

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Can you check if you are getting the correct Item  URL? I tried redirecting to Item  URL  few days back but Item URL did have the value of ID

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Aditya, I am getting the correct item URL.  To be clear, I am doing this from an existing item not from a new item.  It is possible it wouldn't work from a new item because the ID wouldn't be assigned until it is posted.

The problem I have now is the appending of the &Source part.  I cannot get it to work because everything I try converts the & to &.  I even tried using fn-XmlDecode("&Source=").  Anyone have an idea?

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can u post the url example?

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My formula is

fn-If(fn-Equals(Status,"Submitted"),fn-Replace(Item URL,"DispForm","EditForm")&Source=fn-GetQueryString("Source"),fn-GetQueryString("Source"))

The resulting URL (Site URL portion removed) is


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Nintex has announced yesterday this functionality is nearing completion and they are aiming for a March release!

Userlevel 6
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That's super exciting! love.png

Userlevel 6
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Annnnd it looks like "Save & Continue" is now released. WOO!

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Which version?  We are running Forms 2010 v1.11.2.0 and I don't see it.

Userlevel 6
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My guess is that this is only for 2013 / 2016 ..

I don't see it in your release notes:  
