Having a problem with the Request Data Task, specifically the \Collect from\" field."

  • 21 March 2017
  • 3 replies

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We use a workflow variable that is resolves to the name of a Sharepoint group.  We try to use the workflow variable to complete the "Collect from" field.  When the wf variable is selected from the lookup in the field and click OK, we get an error

(see image).  201019_pastedImage_1.png

(No exact match was found. Click the item(s) that did not resolve for more options.)

This same variable works without a problem in the Flexi-task forms for assignments and notifications.

Using Nintex 2010 forms and workflow.  

Any ideas?  Thank you.

3 replies

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Hi ‌,

I have seen the same behavior in 2010. I have not found a solution, but the following did help me:

  1. Double-click on the item instead of single-click and then clicking on the 'Add' button (though that is for another situation in 2010).
  2. In the action, I add the name of the group in the field and set the focus on another field (Nintex tries to resolve the group then). So I do not use the search option then!
  3. Add a new action to replace the one which fails to resolve the group name. Sometimes I also first delete the "faulty" action, save, close and open the workflow but that is based on nothing. Just a good feeling i guess silly.png



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Sorry Rick.  These actions had no impact on our issue.  Nintex will try to resolve the name regardless of where I move focus or how I enter the name.

Thank you,


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What happens when you click on the name when it has the red 'line' under it? Does it show more options?
