Collection Operation Remove by Value Not Working

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So this is probably a dumb question with an obvious answer, but I can't get the remove by value operation working. I have a collection with a number of entries that simply say "None". I want to remove them, but I can't seem to make it work. Help would be appreciated.

10 replies

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Have you tried remove duplicates first

and then remove "None"

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I just tried remove duplicates and that didn't even remove the duplicates. I must be doing something wrong here, I just don't know what.

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have you output your collection anywhere?  do you know what is in it?

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Later in the workflow I use build string from that collection, then set a field to that string. I can see what is in it through that.

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some screenshots may help here

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Sure. Here are some that might be helpful.

The query where I output to the collection:

The collection operation:

And the output:

Badge +16

Looks to me like your Collection has line breaks in each value

So each one is:



rather than "None"

Can you clarify in the source?

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The source does not have line breaks. I did go ahead and try the



but it didn't work either.

Userlevel 5
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How do you fill this collection with its values - ie do you query a list?     Are you able to "trim" the values prior to putting them into the collection.   I suspect it is the whitespace following these, whereas value must match exactly.   

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Yes, I'm querying the list to populate the collection. I've double checked the source and there are no extra spaces or line breaks in the data. I have tried removing the duplicates, but that doesn't work either.
