Multiple-selection check box (list lookup) field - How to show Unticked boxes in Display Mode?

  • 15 February 2017
  • 15 replies

Badge +4

Hi all,

I have a List Lookup field (multiple selection check boxes) on my form, which slows a list of offices.  When the form is in New mode, all of the options are visible.

However, once the form has been submitted and I try to view the form in Display mode, the unselected options are no longer shown.

I have changed the form's list lookup control mode to Edit, so the selected items are now showing up in checkboxes in Display mode, as opposed to the default, which shows the selected options as a comma-delimited string. 

My goal is to display ALL of the checkboxes in Display mode, including any unticked checkboxes, which should still be in their original positions as placeholders.  The check boxes should still be disabled.

For example, if 2 of the 7 checkboxes were selected when completing a New form, once the form is submitted, when viewed in Display mode the form will only show the 2 checkboxes that were ticked (shifted to the top-left of the Choice control), and not the remaining 5 unticked boxes.

I've added a screenshot for clarification.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I can achieve the desired functionality.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

15 replies

Badge +6

Hey jr204‌,

I was trying to reproduce your scenario, but in my case everything works as you want it to work without any changes.

I've added a simple "Choice" control, the configuration looks like this, nothing has been changed in the other configuration areas of the control.


This is how my new form looks like:


This is how my display form looks like:


So this is the behaviour you like to have right?Am I missing something? How does your configuration look like and which version on Nintex Forms are you using?

Best regards,



Badge +4

Hi Jan,

Thanks for your assistance.  After viewing your screenshots, I've noticed an error in my original question, so I've made some edits and hopefully you can provide some additional insight.

The control I am struggling with is not a Choice control, but is actually a List Lookup control with multiple-selection check boxes.  The ID and Text from that control are connected to separate single line of text columns in the list (Office and OfficeID).

I am still encountering the issue in the original screenshot - once the list item is created, only the ticked offices are showing in Display Mode.

We are on Nintex Forms 2013 - Version:

Thanks again!

Badge +6

Hey jr204‌,

I didn't found a solution for that for the moment. What about showing the available values besides the Lookup control via a "List View" control? Not the best workaround but this maybe fulfils your requirement ;-)


Best regards,


Badge +4

 If this is not working on your end either, then I'm thinking this is likely a limitation of Nintex.

It would be nice if there was a separate control mode (called 'New' perhaps) that we could force the control into which displays all of the checkboxes, regardless of whether they are checked, so I will likely contact their support team to request that feature. 

I actually have a Yes/No checkbox overlaid on top of the multiple-selection checkbox control so it looks like another option.  So the goal was to keep all of the options in the same positions so the additional Yes/No control would blend in with the other responses.  Since the list lookup checkboxes are hiding and shifting based on what is selected, unfortunately the solution will not be as straightforward as I had hoped, but I have a few ideas of how I can work around that.

Thanks for following up Jan, your assistance was much appreciated.

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

you can try to

- set lookup control's display mode to EDIT

- place the lookup control into a panel and set up a rule on panel that will disable it when changes are not desired

that way you will get listed all of the lookup options but do not allow to change them


Badge +4

Hi Marian,

Is that what you did for your screenshot?  Are you on a newer version of forms than me (NF2013 v2.9.2.10)?

Unfortunately I am not seeing any different behavior if I wrap the multiple-selection list lookup control in a panel.  I've removed the disable rule from the controls and only have it applied to the panel, but the unticked options are still being removed once the form is in display mode (even if the lookup control itself is forced to Edit mode).

Just for kicks, I removed the Disable rule to see if that would make any difference, and the unticked options are still hidden when I view the form in display mode.  So the checkboxes are hiding and shifting in display mode, regardless of if they are disabled by a rule on the control itself vs. a rule on the containing panel vs. not disabled at all. 

If I open the form in Edit mode, the control displays exactly how I want it to. 

I'm bummed because I was optimistic about that solution and your screenshot does appear to display the desired result. 

Are you sure there isn't anything else I could be overlooking, or would you happen to have any other suggestions?


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

yes, screenshot shows what I've suggested.

I originally tested it on NF2013

now I tested it as well on and there I can see just the same behavior like yours. so it must have changed within recent releases.

I would suggest to contact ‌, maybe it's not expected behaviour. I've already reported similar bug when changed display mode on lookup control caused to show wrong values.

Badge +4

You are very fortunate to have multiple versions to test on!

I have contacted Nintex support to determine whether this is the intended behavior and if so, to ask whether they have any suggestions to how I can achieve my desired result.

I'm hoping this is a bug - I can't see how this change could be considered an 'improvement' (especially since the Control mode should be forced to EDIT).  I will be sure to keep the thread updated.

Thanks again for your continued assistance. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

thanks for update, I'm really curious what nintex will reply.


Has this issue been resolved? I'm having a similar problem that's urgent using Version:



Badge +7

I'm on and the issue is the same. I can't see the multiple lookup when in display but the field is set to edit.

If I choose any of the types it comes back blank.

Badge +3

Any updates/news related to this topics?

Badge +4

I opened a ticket with Nintex in February 2017.

The case was closed and my understanding is that it was escalated/sent to the developers as a bug.

It doesn't look like anything has come out of that yet.  Ultimately we ended up working around the problem.

I guess if you absolutely need it to display as checkboxes, you could use a number of Yes/No boxes and Javascript to conditionally tick them.  I just wish this was supported out of the box as that really seems like a lot of work for such basic functionality, especially since it already works fine on a Choice control (with no lookups).


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

if the ticket is closed they do not work on it anymore ...

Badge +4

Well they also provided a dev ticket number in the closure which makes me think they escalate the tickets to their devs in a separate system.

Either way, its not really an issue for us anymore.  If someone else with more time on their hands wants to open another case for the same issue to get an update, be my guest and feel free to refer to my case number above.
