Sanity check please - form rule logic

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If the named control, "RCExtensionCheckbox" is checked, and one of the {Self} controls this rule is applied to is empty, shouldn't this rule prevent submission of the form? I have checked the Save button and it is set to "Causes validation = Yes".



4 replies

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Have you tried:
and(RCExtensionCheckbox==true, isNullOrEmpty({Self}))
I'm not sure how important the space after the comma is but I always put it in, also true is not in quotes because it is Boolean and not a litteral value.
From what I've been told though booleans don't need to be evaluated when looking for true, just like you had it so maybe it's the missing space after the comma... 

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Hi @chanteldup 

Thank you for your reply. I added the space after the comma, but it still allows the form to submit when the {Self} control(s) are empty. It has to be this logic that's correct; I've used it successfully many times:


and(RCExtensionCheckbox, isNullorEmpty({Self}))


I've triple checked that the control associations are correct, the Save button causes validation - what other reason could make this not work?

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When all else fails, delete the controls, button, and rule. Recreate them exactly as they were, and it works. Whatevs, Nintex.
Badge +6
Sadly this is so often the solution! glad you figured it out!
