Multiple redirects from single Nintex forms

  • 1 February 2022
  • 0 replies

Good Afternoon.

I'm new nintex forms and inherited a new project. Is it possible to do multiple redirects from a single nintex form? For example, a user is on child web page base off a category(let's say North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia are the categories)  from the main page. On this sub page(for example, North America) is a button. This button event pops up an nintex form. The user fills out the form and saves. On the save event the page is redirected back to the main page.


We prefer the form redirect to the categorized sub page from which the button event was fired. Unfortunately, each category child page uses the same nintex form.  Is there a way to redirect back to the sub page the button event was fired despite each child page using the same nintex form?


Thanks in advance!

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