Priority Functionality?

  • 12 August 2004
  • 1 reply
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Can anyone explain the priority system to me?

It looks like everything in K2 has a "Priority" drop down. There seems to be process priority, activity priority and event priority. How are they related and what is their functionality?

Do any of these priorities actually affect a worklistitems or serveritems processing order? I.E. do high priority server items get run before others, and do high priority worklist items appear first in worklists?

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The "priority" setting in K2 studio has no impact on the executing of the processes. It is used for reporting purposes only.

This setting is used in K2 Workspace in the following manner:

1) Reports... the user can filter processes, activities and events on priority
2) Worklist... the user can either group worklist items by priority, OR filter worklist items on priority
