I installed Nintex Workflow 2013. The Nintex Live management menu is in Central Admin, but not Nintex Workflow.

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A user had a workflow error today on our 2013 multi-server development farm.  When I went to Central Admin, the Nintex Workflow Management Menu was gone.  This has not happened previously.  The only config change I have made is that I recently removed the SharePoint Web Application service from the CA server.  But I did the same in production and Nintex was not affected. 

So, I reinstalled, twice on my Central Admin server, and the installation runs to completion.   Nintex Live menu is in CA, but not Nintex Workflow. 

Then I tried the powershell cmdlet in your support article, and you can see the error message that was returned. 

Enable-SPFeature -Identity "NintexWorkflowAdmin" -Url http://devsp13xxx..../

Enable-SPFeature : The Feature is not a Farm Level Feature and is not found in a Site level
defined by the Url http://devsp13xxx..../

line:1 char:1

Enable-SPFeature -Identity "NintexWorkflowAdmin" -Url http://devsp13xxx.../

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData:
(Microsoft.Share...etEnableFeature:SPCmdletEnableFeature) [Enable-SPFeature],

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId :


Then I ran this to find any orphaned features.  As you can see, there aren't any
E:SPPS> Get-SPFeature | ? { $_.Scope -eq $null }


Any thoughts on how to fix this?  Thanks.

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

SharePoint will deploy the features and dlls to the WFE servers. But the feature itself should be able to be located using PowerShell from the CA server.

A feature can be orphaned by the means it was removed form the server.

Before reinstalling again, what is the list of solutions in CA now in Manage Farm Solutions? Which are deployed?

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The list of solutions includes

  • ninitexworkflow2013.wsp
  • nintexworkflow2013backwardscompatibilityui.wsp
  • nintexworkflow2013enterprisefeatures.wsp

The first and third are deployed to the "default" site, and to another of our web apps, but not to the one that had it until recently.  Backwards compatibility is not deployed.

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After the reinstall, if you go to CA-> System Settings -> Farm Solutions, have you deployed the solutions to the web apps and central admin? Should look like this:

nintexworkflow2013core.wsp - Globally Deployed

Nintexworkflow2013.wsp  - Deployed to All Content Web apps and Central Admin

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Go ahead and deploy Nintexworkflow2013.wsp to the CA as well and you should be good.

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Hey Paul,
You have manually deploy it to CA. Go to System Setting -> Farm Solutions. When you click on nintexworkflow2013.wsp to deploy it, pick the CA application from the dropdown..

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I manually deployed from CA using System Setting -> Farm Solutions.

It shows as "successfully deployed", but it does not appear in CA.

Nintex Deploy Failed.jpg

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Chuck, where are you know on this?

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi Chuck Combes,

I hope that right now your problem has been solved..could you share with us on the community how you've solved it? Otherwise if some of the replies before has the solution, could you mark it as the correct answer?

