IPC - how to call child Process?

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I have a process "A" that is deployed in K2 server and running OK. Currently i'm building a second process "B" that needs to call "A" through an IPC event.

The question is, how can i see process "A" in the IPC wizard that i put in process "B"?

In the wizard, the field "Specify the process to be called:" has 2 buttons "..." and the normal "browse".The browse searches for a process in the current Visual Studio Solution, i was hoping that the "..." button would allow me to find my deployed process "A" navigating the workflow server section of object browser but i don't see any way to reach deployed processes through the Object Browser!

Is this normal, can't i see deployed processes to reference in IPC events? Do i need to have the Visual Studio project of Process "A" and add it to the solution of project "B" to be able to browse process "A" in the IPC event?

Thanks in advance!

4 replies

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ProjectNameProcessName would do the trick
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Probably i didn't make myself clear, but my question was:

On the IPC wizard can i specify a child process that is deployed on K2 server without having it on my Visual Studio Solution?


- Process2_1_AP2_1_A is deployed on K2 Server and i don't have its visual studio source project any longer

- Now I have a Visual Studio Solution for Process2_1_BP_2_1_B that i'm developing and i want to make an IPC event to Process2_1_AP_2_1_A. I don't want to add the project of the child process to my solution and so i don't want to use the browse button (which searches for processes in the solution). I would like to refer Process_2_1_AP_2_1_A through the object browser and probably workflow server, or some other way but referring to the deployed process.

Thanks again! 

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Hey jarrostick,
This is what i did,

Drag Drop IPC Event,In IPC event instead of browse, i used a datafield.
This datafield has a valid process name (ProjectProcess) Format

Press Next, it would ask you to provide a design time value, since it was not able to evaluate the datafield. I provided a valid process (Created a dummy process) from current project,


Now when i execute my parent process, IPC event evaluate the datafield value and then uses that process as child process instead of dummy process.

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Hi again,

Thanks for your replies!

Having a datafield with the name of the child process and then providing a created dummy process in design time is actually the same as clicking browse in the first place. Either way you have to create a new dummy ProjectProcess and add it to your Visual Studio parent solution (and yes in run time the correct child process is used).

My issue was exactly with the creation of this dummy project on my "parent" solution. As my deployed child process has about 15 datafields that need to be sent from parent, i also need to create them on the dummy project and do this in all projects that have processes that need to call this or other process through IPCs.

This seems a little odd, the need to create these dummy projects, i was hoping that in the IPC wizard the "..." button  that explores the object browser would allow you to "see" deployed projects on the server and use it directly on the wizard.

From your reply i assume this is not possible and we are stuck to have either the actual child process or create a dummy project in your parent solution!
