Simple Duedate workflow

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I have a list A with "duedate" field and a "technology" field which is a dropdown- both are selected by user. There is another list B which has same "Technology" field and corresponding recipients to whom the mail has to be sent.So when a record is created in list A by selecting particular technology,then people from list B corresponding to that technology has to be mailed about the due date.I also checked this-  

What i did till now-

My workflow is  struck in the middle- how should I approach this scenario/or think to

reach a solution





Thanks in advance

2 replies

Badge +16

Now with your collection you need to use your for each like in that post. Inside your for each you need to get technology from list A using the current ID in the loop. Then query list b for the people filtering by the technology you just had. 

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how to loop the people in list B - how to use the query list for looping people based on technology
