How to duplicate a Multi-Choice Checkbox?

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I have a Multi-Choice Checkbox and i want to duplicate it. Did any one knows how to do it?

I make the same with Textbox. I use a Calculate Value and assign the control name of Textbox to the formula field and show the value of textbox with simplicity. Is possible to make the same with Multi-Choice Checkbox and not use JavaScript?

Thanks in advance!

9 replies

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Hello Kyriakos Michael​ – Are you just looking for a way to create a multi-choice checkbox with Nintex Forms?

If you use a Choice Control, you can set the display format to Check boxes (multiple selection).

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Hello Patrick Abel​ - Thanks for your answer. But i have already know that. My question is if i can duplicate one Choice Control  with some values and take this values and show them to a second Choice Control exactly like the first one.

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I'm sorry Kyriakos Michael​ – I'm not quite sure I'm understanding what you're trying to accomplish here.

Are you trying to populate a 2nd choice control with values based on the selection in the first choice control? We might need an example to get to the bottom of what you're trying to figure out. 

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Hello Patrick Abel​ - What I am trying to do is when you select values from the first Choice Control I want the values to display in the second Choice Control exactly the same where the second Choice Control is read only.

What i have:


And what I try to accomplish:


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Okay Kyriakos Michael​ I think I see what you're doing. A couple quick questions:

  • Are these options dynamic/list driven or just static values in a choice control?
  • Would you want users to be able to adjust either of the choice controls and see the updates shown on the other?
    • If you change Control 1  – Control 2 changes to reflect the change
    • If you change Control 2 – Control 1 changes to reflect the change
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Hi Patrick Abel​ - the values of the choice control are static.

Only If you change Control 1  – Control 2 changes to reflect the change.

And Control 2 is Read Only.

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Although I'm not aware of a way OOTB to mirror another control, you can definitely accomplish this with some JavaScript.

You would just want to attach an event handler to Choice Control 1 and check/uncheck options on Choice Control 2 based on the selections made.

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Ηι Patrick Abel​ - I wanted to avoid using JavaScript but i think is the only way. 

Thanks for your time.

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no problem!
