SmartObject Error

  • 8 April 2009
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view


I created a "departments" SharePoint list  and made it a smart object a few weeks back and have never had any issues accessing any of the data in it. Friday I got a new feature request that forced me to add a new column to that List. I add the column, populated it with data for every row, and went through the create smart object steps to get the new column into my workflow. When I refreshed the smart objects the column showed up as expected. I then  added a Data Event to read the value in the field and write it to a Data Field. Everything seem to take as I would expect. The project compiled without error and deploy with out error to my form library. However, any time my workflow process tries to execute the Data Event I get the following error:


 The Source DateField: VPSA, does not exist or is not initialized.


VPSA = the new column I added.


I have deleted and re-created the column a few times but always end up with the same error.


It is a SharePoint Number field with 0 set for decimal places.

When I go through the smart object it reads as a decimal field.

The Date Field I assign it to is also a decimal field.







1 reply

Badge +6

Any solution to the above problem? Even I am facing same error.

