Disable a process

  • 5 November 2010
  • 5 replies
  • 1 view

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I have a K2 workflow deployed that is a Sharepoint events workflow.  How do I disable it or turn it off?  Seems like there would be an easy way to do this, but I can't find it in any of the product documentation.  Is it possible to disable a workflow to stop it from firing?



5 replies

Badge +5

Unfortunately at the moment
there exists no UI or supported way to remove process definitions. As noted you
are able to remove process instances but not Process definitions from the K2

Please advise if you are only looking to remove the association the SharePoint
Events Integrated process has with a particular list - i.e. a process that gets
started when a item gets added? If so, there might be a workaround. 


Badge +7

Sharepoint event workflow is added as Event Receivers, you can remove the event receivers by using sharepoint manager or write sharepoint codes to remove the event receivers.

Badge +6

You can detach the workflow from the list. hope this is what you are looking for.

eg: Denallix - Intranet > mylist > Settings > Workflow settings > Remove Workflows

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Yes, it would be find if I could just remove the association between the process and the list.  What is the workaround to do this?  Thanks for the help.

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HI Allison,

As per Phung you will need SharePoint Manager 20072010, depending on which version of SharePoint, you may find it here: http://spm.codeplex.com/. Removing the even receivers however is not ideal as you may have some other processes that utilize them as well, so you'll need to remove the item(process) from the hidden list associated with the list you are working on, using SPM 2007 as follows:

- Open SharePoint Manager > Expand Content Service > Web Applications >  Web App in question > Site Collections > Site Collection in question > Relative Site > Lists > Look for List with a GUID strating with underscore(there should be 2) > Click on List > Click on browse tab to the right: One of these list have all workflows deployed to it listed as Items > remove the workflow item in question.

Disassociating a workflow as per Sutjeeth is for SharePoint Workflow Integrated processes, the steps above is for Events Integrated processes.

