Why, as a Online 365 Nintex developer, do I feel like a second class citizen! Can someone please tell me what functionality is different between onprem and online? Also is there a list of release dates to differing functionality between each enviro

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I am getting continually frustrated that online 365 version of Nintex is not the same as onprem.

Can someone let me know what all the differences are and if there is a timetable for updating each difference?

2 replies

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Thanks Frank.

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Hello Robert Harding​​ – It's definitely been a challenge for MS partners ever since the on-prem and SPO code-bases split. I suspect the feature differences for Nintex are a reflection of those complications.

From what I've seen, SharePoint 2016's code-base was birthed from O365, so I'm hopeful that over time the products begin to align much more closely.
