How to remove html tags from a string

  • 19 March 2018
  • 1 reply

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I have a workflow that captures rich text into a data field that is then displayed in an email messsage.  At the end of the workflow, I need to have that same rich text data appear on a pdf version of the email as a report.


The pdf generation is working fine.  However, to get the entirety of the text to display I used a data label on the smart form for the report, since the data field can be lengthy, and just displaying it as a smart form text area (memo) didn't work as it only displays a portion of the text as a frozen screenshot.


My issue is in doing this, copying text from the rich text column on the smart object into the data field, any and all html formatting tags are showing up.  I'd like this to just display straight text but haven't been successful.  So far I've tried the "To String" conversion, the "Encode", "Decode" options, but nothing has worked.



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ToString just converts any input into string. URLEncode simply replaces special characters in the string, and replace it with a format that can be transmitted over the internet. URLDecode does the opposite. All the above 3 functions has nothing to do with stripping HTML tags.


Unfortunately, I do not think there is any function that can accomplish this out of the box. The easiest solution I can come up with is to write your own custom inline function, to perform the HTML stripping yourself. You should be able to find code samples that can perform simple HTML stripping. Just include those codes in your custom inline function, then use that in your workflow.
